Author: F.Abdi

Sugitaanka Amniga Soomaaliya ee Caqliga Farsameysan (Artificial Intelliigence): Sidee buu Caqliga La Farsameeyay is-bedel ugu sameyn karaa muuqaalka amniga Soomaaliaya

Sugitaanka Amniga Soomaaliya ee Caqliga Farsameysan (Artificial Intelliigence): Sidee buu Caqliga La Farsameeyay is-bedel ugu sameyn karaa muuqaalka amniga Soomaaliaya

In amniga ee Soomaaliya laga dhaqan geliyo Caqliga la Farsameeyay (Artificial Intelligence) AI waxay u baahantahay qorshe laga taxaddaray Iyo hubin lagu sameeyo dhaqan gelintiisa, si adeegsag nidaamka AI uu u noqdo mid ixtiraamaya nabad gelyada iyo arrimaha gaarka u ah muwaadhinka. Waxaan halkaan ku soo gudbinaynaa qaar ka mid ah habka iyo anshaxa looga baahanayahay in loo maro adeegsiga Caqliga La Farsameeyay (AI) ee waaxda amniga ee Soomaaliya. 

  • In la sugo ama la xaqiijiyo Hufnaan: Waxaad hubisaa in nidaamka AI iyo adeegsigiisa ee waaxda amniga uu yahay mid hufan oo aysan dad-weynaha waxba kaga qarsooneyn (transparency). Waxaana loo baahanyahay in muwaadhiniinta ay ka warqabaan sida AI loo adeegsanayo iyo xogaha ay tahay in la ururinayo iyo kuwa la baarayo ama la daraaseynayo.
  • Ilaalinta waxyaabaha gaarka u ah shakhsiyadda muwaadhiniinta: waxaa loo baahanyahay dhaqan gelinta nidaam xoog badan oo lagu ilaaliyo xogaha, si loo xaqiijiyo inaan xogaha shakhsiga ah ee muwaadhiniinta loo adeegsan si xun ama aan habooneyn, ama aan lala wadaagin dhinacyo aan loo oggoleyn.
  • Dhaqan gelinta hab amni oo munaasab ah: Dhaqan gelinta qaabab amni oo looga hor joogsanayo duulaanka Cyber-ka si looga ilaaliyo nidaamka Caqliga La Farsameeyay (AI) inay soo gaaraan dhincyo aan rukhsad loo siin.
  • Inuu jiro isla-xisaabtan dhab ah: La xisaabtan dhinacyada mas’uulka ka ah, ee xagga anshaxa adeegsiga nidaamka AI. Iyadoo la sameynayo hab loo raacayo adeegsigiisa, iyadoo la hubinay in la raaco habkaas.
  • Sameynta qiimeyn joogta ah oo qaabeysan: In la sameeyo si qaabeysan qiimeyn joogta ah oo lagu hubinayo in AI si hab-sami ah u shaqeynayo sidii loogu talo galay iyadoo aysan waxba kaga xumaaneyn muwaadhiniinta.
  • Ka qeyb qaadshada Deneeyeyaasha: In laga qeyb geliyo Daneeyeyaasha, sida; Bulshada Rayidka ah, kooxaha xuquuqul insaanka, iyo dadka deegaanka ah, qorshayaasha iyo dhaqan gelinta nidaamka AI. Tani waxay gacan ka geysaneysaa si la hubo in nidaamka loogu dhaqmo hab  ixtiraamaya muwaadhiniinta xuquuqdooda iyo baahidooda.
  • Hubinta ah inay jiraan dad indhaha ku haynaya: Waa in si hubanti ah aad ogtahay in nidaamka AI uusan ahayn mid si buuxda u madaxa bannaan, sidaas aawadeedna ay tahay inay jiraan dad la socda oo indhaha ku haya isticmaalkiisa. Inay dad indhaha ku hayaa ama la socdaan nidaamka AI waxay ka caawineysaa ka hor tagga laxinka, ama inuu dhinac u iisho inta lagu gudo jiro marxaladda go’aan-sameynta ee nidaamka AI.

Noocyada nidaamyada Caqliga Farsameysan ee aan ka dhaqan gelin karno Soomaaliya:

Waxaa jira noocyo badan oo ah nidaamka caqliga farsameysan oo loo isticmaali karo si loo sugo amniga Soomaaliya, iyadoo taasi ay ku xirantahay si xaddidan dhibaatooyinka amni ee jira ee u baahan in la wajaho ama wax laga qabto. Waxaan halkaan ku soo gudbinaynaa tusaalyaal xoogaa ah:

Nidaamka Ilaalinta (Surveillance/muraaqaba/indho-ku-hayn): Caqliga Farsameysan (AI) waxaa loo adeegsan karaa nidaamka-ilaalinta (Surveilance) ama la socoshada meelaha sida; xudduudaha, dekedaha, iyo dhismayaasha kaabayaasha ah.

Nidaamyadan waxaa loo adeegsan karaa kaamirooyinka video-ga, diyaaradaaha aan duuliyaha lahayn, iyo qalabka wax dareema (sensors) si loogala socdo dhaqdhaq-yada laga shakiyo. Waxaa iyadana suuro gal ah in la adeegsado aalad lagu daraaseynayo algorithams si loo aqoonsado xaaladaha loogana digo shaqaalaha amniga cabsida amni ooweyn iyo waxyaabaha la filayo inay dhici karaan.

Falaqeynta ama ka baaraan degga saadaasha: Falaqeynta ama ka baaraan degga saadaasha ayaa loo adeegsan karaa si loo aqoonsado qaababka iyo is bedellada xogaha la xiriira dhacdooyinka amniga. Tusaale ahaan, iyadoo la adeegsanayo mishin ama aalad lagu daraasadeynayo, algorithmas baa la adeegsan karaa si  baaris cilmiyeysan loogu sameeyo xogaha la xiriira fal-danbiyeedyada iyo saadaasha meelaha ay dhici karto inay fal-danbiyeedyo ka dhacaan mustaqbalka. Xogtaan waxaa loo adeegsan karaa qooneynta agabka iyo shaqaalaha si ay u noqdaan kuwo wax ku ool ah.

Ogaanshaha Handdadaad: Nidaamka Caqli Farsameysan waxaa loo adeegsan in lagu ogaado arrin handdadaad ku ah amniga sida duulaan Cyber-ka ah ama qorshe argagaxisnimo. Nidaamyadan Caqliga Farsameysan, waxaa lagu daraasadeyn karaa xogo ilo badan ka kala yimid, oo ay ku jiraan Xiriirada Is Gaarsiineed Bulashada (Social Media), inuuu muujiyo ama lagu aqoonsado khatarta dhici kareysa, iyo inuu diginin siiyo shaqaalaha amniga.

Aqoonsiga mitirinta ee noole (Biometric Identification): Nidaamyada Aqoonsiga mitirinta ee noole waxaa loo adeegsan karaa qofka, iyo in wadiiqo aan la oggoleyn lagu gaaro meelo amnigooda la sugay.  Caqliga Farsameysan (AI) algorithms ayaa loo adeegsan karaa daraaseynta ama taxliilinta xogaha aqoonsiga mitirinta ee noole (Biometric) sida aqoonsiga wajiga, raadka faraha, taasoo lagu dabaqayo ama la barbar dhigayo xogaha askhaasta la yaqaan.

Xog/war-bixin ma laha Soomaaliya

Haddii aysan jirin xog ama waar-bixin taala oo fal-denbiyeed (Crime), markaas suuro gal noqon meyso in taxliil ama daraasadeyn mashin algorithms   lagu sameeyo loo saadaaliyo meelaha ay dhici kareyso mustaqbalka in fal-denbiyeed uu ka dhaco.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxaa dhici karta inay jiraan ilo-xogeedyo kale oo ay suuro gal tahay in loo adeegsado saadaalinta meelaha uu ka dhici karo fal-denbiyeed. Tusaale ahaan; xogaha bulshada iyo arrimaha dhaqaalaha, sida; saboolnimmada, shaqo-la’aanta, iyo heerarka wax-barasho, ayaa loo adeegsan karaa si la saadaaliyo meelaha ay u badantahay inuu fal-danbiyeed ka dhaco.Waxaa intaas wehliya xogta xaaladda jawiga, qaababka wadooyinka iyo socodka gaadiidka (Traffic), iyo faraha daadka deggan meesha, ayaa iyagana loo adeegsan kara saadaalinta baraha kulul ee fal-denbiyeedka.

Haddii aysan jirin xog taala, waxaa markaas lagama maarmaan noqoneysa in la ururiyo xog cusub iyadoo la sameynay daraasad (Survey) iyo wareysiyo ama habab kale. Xogtan ayaa markaas lagu taba barayaa mishinka daraasadeynaya algorithms si uu u sameeyo sadaal

aad u sugan, oo ah Meesha ay u badantahay mustaqbalka soo socda inay fal-denbiyeedyo ka dhacaan.

Waxaa muhiim ah in maanka lagu hayo marka la ururinaayo xog ama la taxliilinayo oo la falaneynayo ujeeddada laga leeyahayna ay tahay amni  ay muhiim tahay in la ixtiraamo waxyaabaha gaarka u ah shakhsiyda iyo xuquuqda muwaadhiniinta. Xog kasta oo la urururinayo waxaa loo baahanayahay in anshax lagu dheeho iyo qaab aysan dad-weynaha waxaba uga qarsooneyn, iyo siyaabaha ugu haboon ee ilaallinta xogaha muwaadhiniinta.

Barnaamijyada Caqliga Farsamaysan (AI) ee loo adeegsan karo in muwaadhiniinta lagu baro qaababka xaaladaha degdegga ah.

Barnaamijyada caqliga farsameysan (AI) waxaa looga faa’ideysan karaa in wax la baro muwaadhiniinta nidaamka xaaladaha degdegga ah loona diyaariyo inay ka fal celiyaan xaaladaha degdegga ah, sida haddii ay dhacdo duulaan argagixiso. Waxaan halkaan ku soo gudbineynaa qaar ka mid ah siyaabaha loo isticmaali karo Caqliga Farsamaysan AI :

  1. Caqliga Farsameysan (AI) waxaa la sameyn karaa Chatbots (chatbots waa Software, nidaam ahaan loo diyaariyay hal ujeeddo oo ah in si aad ugu dhow ama eg bini aadanka u doodi karo) si dad-weynaha ugu suuro geliyo ka fal-celinta xaaladaha deg-degga ah, iyo waxyaabaha lays farayo, iyo hab-raacyada. Chatbots-ka waxay ka jawaabi karaan weydiimaha ay qabaan muwaadhiniinta, waxayna u sheegi karaan xogaha iyo waqtiga dhabta inta lagu jiro xaaladda deg-degga ah.
  2. Artificial intelligence (AI) Caqliga Farsameysan waxaa loo adeegsan karaa in la abuuro qaab u dhow midka dhabta ah oo  taba-bar lagu siin karo muwaadhiniinta si ay uga fal celiyaan xaaladaha degdegga ah si ammaan ah oo ay gacanta ku hayaan waxyaabaha ku meeran (environment).
  3. Caqliga Farsameysan (AI) wuxuu gacan ka siin karaa maamullada daraasadeynta iyo inay fahmaan qaababka duulaannada ay soo qaadaan argagixisada iyo siday u horumarin lahaayeen iyo nidaamkii siyaasadeed ee ay uga hor tegi lahaayeen iyo siday ugu fal celin lahaayeenba. Markaas ka dib muwaadhiniinta ayaa lala socodsiin karaa xogtaas, si ay kor ugu qaado fahamkooda dabeecadaha khataraha iyo sida looga fal-celiyo.
  4. Caqliga Farsameysan (AI) waxaa loo adeegsan karaa in lagala socda Xiriirada Is Gaarsineed ee Bulshada,Social Media) iyo kuwa kale baraha hab-tiraalka (Digital) iyo khataraha argagixisada, iyo in feejignaan lagu geliyo maamullada iyo muwaadhiniinta khatar kasta oo sameysanta

Marka Caqliga Farsameysan (Artificial Intelligence) loo isticmaalo barnaamijyada iyo siyaabaha aan soo sheegnay waxay dalka ka caawineysaa sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa aqoonta muwaadhiniinta ee ku aaddan siyaabaha xaaladaha degdegga ah loogu diyaar garoobo, iyo siyaabaha degdegga ee wax ku ollka ah ee looga fal celiyo haddii uu dhaco duulaan argagixiso.


Advancing digitalization in Somalia: The Role of AI in Driving Progress

Advancing digitalization in Somalia: The Role of AI in Driving Progress.

Advancing digitalization in Somalia: The Role of AI in Driving Progress

Somalia has made significant strides towards digitalization in recent years, with the government and private sector working towards improving services in various sectors. One of the key drivers of this progress is the adoption and use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. In this blog post, we will explore the developments in AI in Somalia and the potential for further advancement.


The Somali government has been implementing digital transformation in various areas of governance, including the launch of an e-government portal in 2017. This portal allows citizens to access government services online, improving efficiency, and transparency. The government has also been exploring the use of AI in enhancing citizen services, such as chatbots for automated customer support. Unfortunately, digital transformation in the government has not developed much since. One of the biggest challenges to implementing and using AI in Somalia is the lack of technical expertise.

Mobile Money

Somalia is among the world’s leaders in mobile money adoption, with over 70% of adults using mobile money services. This has revolutionized financial inclusion in the country, particularly in remote and under-banked areas. The use of AI in mobile money is a promising area for further development, including fraud detection, risk assessment, and customer personalization.


In 2018 Somalia launched its first-ever e-learning platform, Somali Education Cloud, aimed at improving access to educational resources for students and teachers across the country, including conflict-affected areas. AI can enhance this platform by providing personalized learning experiences, intelligent feedback, and adaptive learning.


The Somali government and private sector organizations have been leveraging technology to enhance healthcare delivery, including telemedicine services for remote consultations and diagnoses in areas with limited access to healthcare services. The use of AI in health tech can help with early disease detection, precision medicine, and patient monitoring, among others.

Challenges and the Way Forward

Despite the advancements, Somalia faces several challenges in advancing digitalization, including inadequate infrastructure and limited resources. However, the potential benefits of AI and other digital technologies are immense, and with a concerted effort from stakeholders, the country can leverage these tools to drive progress and improve the quality of life for its citizens.

Somalia’s progress towards digitalization has been significant, with the adoption and use of AI technologies being a key driver. While there are challenges, the potential for further advancement is immense. With a commitment from stakeholders in the public and private sectors, Somalia can harness the power of AI to drive progress and improve the lives of its citizens.

Also READ: Are African governments ready for Artificial Intelligence?

Photo: IOM Somalia/Tobin Jonesd

Are African governments ready for Artificial Intelligence?

Are African governments ready for Artificial Intelligence?

This story was contributed to TechCabal by Conrad Onyango/bird.

African governments are ramping up national strategies on the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a fresh hunt for crucial data that would help improve public service delivery and governance.

AI is no longer a preserve of the private sector as Africa’s public sector hops on a global trend where governments join the hunt for robust data to transform how they deliver services to an increasingly tech-savvy population.

Oxford Insights, in its ‘Government AI Readiness Index 2021,’ shows governments across the continent are turning to AI to improve their public services and gain strategic economic advantages.

More governments, the report says, are building up AI ecosystems-backed by national strategies to capitalize on a 10-year global boom that has seen private sector firms commercialize AI research and development. The report looked at developments over the past year.

“As governments are increasingly aware of the opportunities and risks presented by AI, we see a continued proliferation of national AI strategies globally,” said the report.

The report found 30% of 160 countries – more than 41 of these African nations – in the global rankings have a national AI strategy, with 9% more at least drafting one.

Mauritius with a score of 52.71 out of 100 is the most AI-ready African public sector, followed by Egypt (49.75), South Africa (48.24).

These three are the only African countries whose scores were higher than the global average of 47.42.

Mauritius and Egypt are the only countries with an official National AI Strategy that sets out a four-year plan from 2018-2022 to guide progress in this area.

In mid-2021, Egypt launched its national AI strategy, christened “Artificial Intelligence for Development and Prosperity” making clear its ambitious development goals and economic growth.

South Africa has established a Presidential Commission on Fourth Industrial Revolution which Oxford Insights regional expert, Abdijabar Mohamed says is thought to be a prelude to an official national AI strategy.

In Kenya, an AI task force of 11 experts drawn from other stakeholders, the government agencies, the private sector, and academia are expected to provide a roadmap on how the East African nation can apply AI.

“These initiatives can be seen to indicate a move towards more structured governance around AI in the region,” according to the report.

The report ranks governments based on how they develop and manage AI, backed by appropriate regulation and attention to governance and ethics.

It also measures the public sector’s internal digital capacity like skills and practices that supports its adaptability in the face of new technologies.

Tunisia (45.71), Morocco (42.38), and Ghana (40.19) are also among the top African countries that show high prospects of leveraging AI to boost governance and spur development.

While Botswana and Ethiopia do not feature among Africa’s top ten countries in terms of AI readiness score, the report points to significant directions these economies are taking towards building their AI ecosystems.

Two years ago, the Ethiopian Council of Ministers established an artificial intelligence (AI) research and development center and began training its youth on cyber threats detection.

In Botswana, the government is encouraging organizations to set up research labs around the country and gather AI talent.
While the report acknowledges a positive trajectory for Africa through government efforts to enact measures and strategies to guide the development and use of AI, there are still hurdles beyond lack of enough talent and capacity.

“There is a paucity of official government data alongside a lack of robust governance structures and political conflict,” said Mohamed, resulting in poor rankings for many countries.

The report adds, “The main priority for many sub-Saharan African countries is thus to develop talent and build capacity. Only then can strategies be developed and implemented to guide AI readiness and ethical considerations of AI.”

Source: Techcabal

Also READ: China’s Reach Into Africa’s Digital Sector Worries Experts.



Sidaan ognahay technology gu sidiisaba waa seef laba af leh. Waddamada soo koraya ama dhibaatooyinku ka dheceen, oo musuqa iyo macaluushu daashadeen islamarkaasna aan aqoon sare iyo hay’ado dawli ah oo adag aan lahayn oo danta dadkooda mar walba ka hormariya wax kasta, waxaa inta badan aad uga ugaarsada hay’ado iyo shirkado waxba aan xeerinayn oo wax walba xoog, xeel iyo xatooyo hadba kay ku helayaan ku qaadanaya.
Xogaha si gaar ah waayadaan loo kala xado waxaa ka mid ah xogta u gaarka ah shaqsiga (private personal data) ama xogta dadweynaha dal ama gobol dhan ku oo iyagoo shirkadahaasi samaynaya wax la yiraahdo “mass data harvesting”. Haddii xogahaasi gacan khaldan galaan, inkastoo xitaa marka ujeeddada horeba aan khiyaano ku jirin ay adagtahay in dammaanad loo helo xafidida xogtaas, arrintaasi cawaaqib xumo iyo khatar aan laga soo kaban karin ayay mustaqbalka ummaddeenna u leedahay haddii aan laga hortagin oo aan aad looga taxaddarin. Halisaah ku jiraa waa badanyihiin.


Tusaale waxaa jira wax la yiraahdo “xatooyo aqoonsi” ama “identity theft” oo ah in adoo halkaan taagan qof kale adiga iska kaa dhigo wax kastoo dambi ahna magacaaga ku geli karo ayna adagtahay in la ogaado ama marka la ogaado laga gar helo. Waxaase kasii daran, haddii hiida sidahaaga la qaato adoo aan oggolaan ama hidda sidaha dad dal ama gobol deggan la aruusado oo inta laab (laboratory)la geeyo khariidda hidda sidaha qofkaas ama shacabkaas la soo dejiyo (human genome mapping) waxaa si sahlan loo fara-gelin karaa ama wax looga bedeli karaa mustaqbalka dabiicad kasta ama astaan kasta oo qofkaas ama dadkaas leeyihiin oo hidda-siduhu xambaarsanaa taasoo qayb ka ah waxa loo yaqaanno walaaqidda iyo bedelidda hiddaha (genetic manipulation) si ay uga soo baxaan noole (ama dad markaan) leh astaamo ka duwan kuwii lagu yiqiin (genetically modified organisms). Sidoo kale waxaa si sahlan lagu ogaan karaa wixii “cillad” ah – sida cudurrada la iska dhaxlo oo lagugu caaradi karo (sida shirkadaha caymiska) ama astaan fiican oo u gaar ah dadkaas/qofkaas kaasoo lagaa koobiyaysan karo adoo aan wax idan ah lagu waydiisan halkii adiga kaliya ama qowmiyaddaas Alle siiyey. Markay ugu darantahay cunto dadka hidda-sidohooda la yaqaan ay u nugulyihiin ama ku jirran karaan oo ku dhiman karaan dadka aan hidda sidahaas lahayna aan waxba u dhimayn ama xitaa dulin sida bacteria ama virus adiga kaliya u nugushahay ayaa dalkaas lagu faafin karaa ama dhalmada lagala diriro. Waa arrimaha mustaqbalka adduunyadu ka baqayso. Codkaaga oo la xado ayaa sixun loo adeegsan karaa.


Haddaba, bal suurayso ama ka warran haddii furaha omputerkaaga ama telefoonkaaga ama emailkaaga ama bangigaaga lagaa xado ama la jabsado? Waa khatar weyn. Laakiin ugu yaraan furayaasha noocan ah, inkastoo laga yaabo in khasaare laga soo kaban karo lagaa gaarsiiyo, misna furihii lagaa xaday ama aad illowday oo kaa lumay waa la bedeli karaa. Xal farsamo ayaa loo heli karaa. Laakiin waxaa taas aad ugasii khatarsan haddii furaha shaqsiyaddaada la jabsado oo lagaa xado! Kan lagama daba tegi karo. Kaaga sii darane hal qof lama jabsanayo ee mararka qaar (tusaale xilliyada doorashada ama macaluuli iyo qudin dad laga yaaabo inay malaayin kor u dhaafaan dal tabar yar ka jirto) waxaa la qaadan karaa karaa xogta khaaska ah ee Qaran dhan dadkiisa oo aan fahansanayn ama ka feejignayn khatarta ku sugan isticmaalka tiknoolajiyadaha kala duwan ee suurtagaliya in xogtaas la xado. Si bareer ah (xatooyo) ama aan bareer ahayn (dayac). Waxaa laga quusan in dib dambe adigu xogtaada masuul uga noqotid.


Shirkadaha iyo hay’adaha khiyaamada ka dambeeya inta badan waxay isticmaalaan oo ka faa’iidaystaan gol-daloolooyin dalka ay markaas dadkiisa ku duulayaan uu leeyahay sida 1) Dawlad taag daran oo aan dad aqoon iyo khibrad u leh tiknoolajiyada lahayn 2) Musuqmaasuq iyo inay laaluushaan dadkii ama hay’adihii dawladda ee u xilsaarnaa hawshan 3) Dalkaas oo aanay ka jirin shuruuc lagu xakameeyo soo saarka, soo waarididda iyo adeegsiga tiknoolajiyadaha la falgala oo lagu qaato xogta khaaska ah ee qofka ama tan dadweynaha 4) Dalkaas oo aan lahayn ama hadduu jiro lagu dhaqmin shuruuc ilaalisa xogta khaaska ah ee shaqsiga ama dadweynaha sida hidda sidaha (DNA), saxiixa suul-saarka (finger-printing), sawirka indhaha (irisis – ama ratiinaha gunta dambe ee isha), kaameradaha wajiga dadka takoora (facial recognition), iwm. Soomaaliya inta badan sifooyinka waddamada caynkan ah ayay leedahay. Waxaa intaas u dheer wacyiga guud eee dadwaynaha oo la dhihi karo wuu hooseeyaa gaar ahaan markay timaaddo arrimahan oo kale.

Waxay kale oo shirkadaha ka baayacmushtara tiknoolajiyadaha caynkaas ah ku beer-laxawsadaan dalalka caynkaas ah in ay ka caawinayaan ka hortagga khiyaamooyin la xiriira doorashooyin ama raashin qaybin, ama lacag mushaira, iwm. Tusaale ahaan xilliyada doorashooyinku jiraan, waxay tiknoolajigooda ku suuq-geeyaan in ay dalkaas ka caawinayaan inaan doorashada la khiyaamin ama lagu shuban (election fraud). Xaqiiqadu waxaa weeye, sida dhawaan meelo ka mid ah Somalia ka dhacday, in xogtii dadweynahana la aruursado oo ay shisheeye gacanta u gasho doorashadiina lagu shubto (lose-lose situation).
Waxaa muuqata inaan laga taxadarin markii horeba ama la la tixgalin fraud ka technolajiyadda lagu samaynayo. Ma aha run in hay’ad walba oo bani-aadannimo ama shirkad kastoo ka ganacsata tiknoolajiyada ay doonayaan inay xogtaas qaataan laakiin qaar badan ayaa ujeddadoodu saas tahay. Khayr wax kaama dhimo ee shar u tooghay iyo taxaddar weeye deedna.


Waxay tahay inla is waydiiyo, dawladaha farsamada iyo tiknoolajiyada ku horumaray, sida kuwa reer galbeedka oo iyagu sooba saaray tiknoolajiyadaha noocan ah, ma u isticmaalaan doorashooyinkooda? Jawaabtu waa maya. Tusaale ahaan in badan Yurubta galbeed wali qalin rasaas ama qalin koobbi ayaa lagu codeeyaa tiiyoo qofku xaashi isku tillaab ku hor dhigo qofka ama xisbiga uu u codaynayo ama mayee computer tuujinayo laakiin aan indho iyo gacmo midna laga sawirin.

Maxay ugu isticmaali waayeen? Intaan su’aashaas laga jawaabin, ogow waddamadaani farsamada ku hormaray inay 1. Aqoon sare ayay u leeyihiin tiknoolajiyada 2. Shuruuc adag oo xakamaysaa u taal 3. Musuqa waa lala dagaallamaa 4. Shuruuc gaar ah oo xakamaysa ururinta, kaydinta, adeegsiga, iyo isu-gudbinta xogta khaaska ah ee shaqsiga ayaa jira (privacy laws).
Intaasoo jirta,haddaan jawaabta usoo noqonno, haddana dalalkaasi wayku kalsoonaan waayeen ama isku aammini waayeen adeegsiga tiknoolajiyadan maaddaama aan cidina dammaanad qaadi karin inaan xogtaas la aruuriyay aanay gacan khaldan galayn oo si khaldan loo adeegsanayn. Si kasle haddii loo dhigo, dhibkeeda ayaa dheefteeda ka badan. Deedna taxaddar awgiis (precautionary principle), dhinac baa la iska dhigay in badan.


Soomaaliya waxaa la quuddarraynayaa in doorashooyin ka dhacaan, noocay rabaan ha noqdeene, sannadka soo socda 2020 haddii Alle idmo. Sidoo kale Dawlad Goboleedyada qaar ayaa qorshaynaya inay mustaqbalka dhaw doorashooyin maxalli ah dadkooda u diyaariyaan.

Dadka Soomaalidu aad aalaaba uguma baraarugsana dhibaha ka iman kara xogtaada oo la xado oo si xun loo isticmaalo. Shucuubta adduunku maanta waxay meel walba u dagaallamayaan xifdinta iyo xagsashada xogtooda khaaska sida sawirradooda, kuwa carruurtooda iyo qaraabadooda, ciwaankooda, xogta qoyskooda, xogta caafimaadkooda, iwm iskaba daa inay oggolaadaan in si sahlan xogta hodda sidohooda (DNA) lagu qaato e. Ama astaamaha wajigooda ama sawirka indhohooda. Tusaale ahaan, maalmahaan waxaa wararka adduunka laga dheehanayay in dadweynaha mudaharaadyada ka samaynaya Hong Kong ay si gaar ah u beegsanayaan oo si carol eh xididdada ugu siibayaan kaameradaha qabta oo takoora wajiga dadka. Waa dad aad ugu baraarugsan khatarta arrimhaasi leeyihiin si ummaddu aanay ugu ekaan kuwo xabsi kor ka furan ku jirta (mass surveillance).


Ugu dambayn, hay’adaha Dawligaa iyo kuwa aan Dawliga ahayn ee Soomaaliyeed, Heer Qaran iyo Heer Dawlad Goboleedba, waxaa la gudboon inay taxaddar wayn iska saaraan arrimahan. Baarlammaannaada waxaaa waajib ah inay soo saaraan shuruuc xakamaysa soo waarididda, adeegsiga iyo ka ganacsiga tiknoolajiyadahaas iyagoo aan wax dammaanad ah loo hayn (tiiyooba ay adagtahay in loo helo). Sidoo kale Baarlammaanada soomaalida waa inay soo saaraan shuruuc difaacaysa xogta khaaska ah ee muwaaddiniinta. Sidoo kale meelaha hadda laga isticmaalo sida maddaarrada, ciidamada mushaharkooda, baasaboorrada, iwm waa in laga daba tagaa lana hubiyaa inay jirto dammaanad adag iyo qaab lagu xaqiijinayo bad-qabnimada xogtaas (safety and security of the collected and stored data). Waa in xogtaas cidaan aayn dadkii laga aruuriryay aysan yeelan karin (ownership).
Dawladda kaliya, heerkay rabto ha ahaatee, masuuliyaddu ma saarna ee hay’adaha aan Dawliga ahayn sida kuwa Bulshada Rayidka ah iyo weliba muwaaddin walba xil ayaa ka saran u qareemidda xifdinta iyo difaaca xogaha khaaska ah ee dadweynaha.

Waxaa qoray Dr. Bashir Mohamed Hussein (Facebook post 2019)

Sidoo kale akhri: China’s Reach Into Africa’s Digital Sector Worries Experts

China’s Reach Into Africa’s Digital Sector Worries Experts

China’s Reach Into Africa’s Digital Sector Worries Experts

China’s Reach Into Africa’s Digital Sector Worries Experts


Chinese companies like Huawei and the Transsion group are responsible for much of the digital infrastructure and smartphones used in Africa. Chinese phones built in Africa come with already installed apps for mobile money transfer services that increase the reach of Chinese tech companies. But while many Africans may find the availability of such technology useful, the trend worries some experts on data management.

China has taken the lead in the development of Africa’s artificial intelligence and communication infrastructure.

In July 2020, Cameroon contracted with Huawei, a Chinese telecommunication infrastructure company, to equip government data centers. In 2019, Kenya was reported to have signed the same company to deliver smart city and surveillance technology worth $174 million.

A study by the Atlantic Council, a U.S.-based think tank, found that Huawei has developed 30% of the 3G network and 70% of the 4G network in Africa.

Eric Olander is the managing editor of the Chinese Africa Project, a media organization examining China’s engagement in Africa. He says Chinese investment is helping Africa grow.

“The networking equipment is really what is so vital and what the Chinese have been able to do with Huawei, in particular, is they bring the networking infrastructure together with state-backed loans and that’s the combination that has proven to be very effective. So, a lot of governments that would not be able to afford 4G and 5G network upgrades are able to get these concessional loans from the China Exim Bank that are used and to purchase Huawei equipment,” Olander said.

Data compiled by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, a Canberra-based defense and policy research organization, show China has built 266 technology projects in Africa ranging from 4G and 5G telecommunications networks to data centers, smart city projects that modernize urban centers and education programs.

But while the new technology has helped modernize the African continent, some say it comes at a cost that is not measured in dollars.

China loaned the Ethiopian government more than $3 billion to be used to upgrade its digital infrastructure. Critics say the money helped Ethiopia expand its authoritarian rule and monitor telecom network users.

According to an investigation by The Wall Street Journal, Huawei technology helped the Ugandan and Zambian governments spy on government critics. In 2019, Uganda procured millions of dollars in closed-circuit television surveillance technology from Huawei, ostensibly to help control urban crime.

Police in the East African nation admitted to using the system’s facial recognition ability supplied by Huawei to arrest more than 800 opposition supporters last year.

Bulelani Jili, a cybersecurity fellow at the Belfer Center at Harvard University, says African citizens must be made aware of the risks in relations with Chinese tech companies.

“There is need [for] greater public awareness and attention to this issue in part because it’s a key metric surrounding both development but also the kind of Africa-China relations going forward…. We should also be thinking about data sovereignty is going to be a key factor going forward.”

Jili said data sharing will create more challenges for relations between Africa and China.

“There are security questions about data, specifically how it’s managed, who owns it, and how governments depend on private actors to provide them the technical capacity to initiate certain state services.”

London-based organization Privacy International says at least 24 African countries have laws that protect the personal data of their citizens. But experts say most of those laws are not enforced.


Also READ: What Role Does Data Mining Play for Business Intelligence (BI) in Somalia? Interview with Mohamed Ibrahim Former Minister of Post and Telecommunication of Somalia.

Artificial Intelligence, a huge potential for agriculture development in Morocco

Artificial Intelligence, a huge potential for agriculture development in Morocco

Agricultural sciences and new technologies offer an “enormous potential” to Morocco for the development of the farming sector, said, Thursday in New York, the permanent representative of Morocco to the UN, Omar Hilale.

“Today, these sciences and technologies are helping to increase the production of small and medium farmers as well as helping to produce more food with less water and energy,” Hilale said at a high-level virtual meeting on “the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in achieving post-Covid food security.”

The Green Morocco Plan, a national agricultural strategy in force since 2008, has helped boost agriculture and make it the main engine of growth of the Kingdom’s economy, through job creation and poverty reduction, he said, stressing that the vision of Morocco in the agricultural field tends to ensure national food self-sufficiency and opens the possibility of exporting quality agricultural products to the world.

The ambassador also noted that new fertilizer technology using artificial intelligence focuses on improving the efficiency and use of soil inputs, and in water-poor regions, irrigation plays a fundamental economic and social role, contributing to agricultural productivity and income raising of rural people.

Water scarcity, accentuated by climate change, represents a growing challenge for farmers, he added, recalling that Morocco has invested heavily in feeding the soil with the right amount of nutrients and in the use of new technologies to optimize water management, in order to promote a more sustainable irrigation model.

Hilale also noted that in a context of crisis marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, it is necessary to make a paradigm shift towards development, while transforming this global crisis into “an opportunity for sustainability”.

The pandemic “has changed the way consumers and producers connect with each other,” he said, noting that Artificial Intelligence is now becoming a tool to optimize agribusiness value chains and improve online business for small and medium farmers.

The high-level meeting on the role of AI in achieving post-Covid food security was co-organized by the Moroccan and Nigerian Permanent Missions to the UN to highlight the role that cooperation can play in particular in the areas of sustainable agriculture, information and technology, climate change, water management, and renewable energy.


Also READ: Fasoft AI Research and Technology Company

What Role Does Data Mining Play for Business Intelligence (BI) in Somalia? Interview with Mohamed Ibrahim Former Minister of Post and Telecommunication of Somalia.

What Role Does Data Mining Play for Business Intelligence (BI) in Somalia? Interview with Mohamed Ibrahim Former Minister of Post and Telecommunication of Somalia.

What Role Does Data Mining Play for Business Intelligence (BI) in Somalia? Interview with Mohamed Ibrahim Former Minister of Post and Telecommunication of Somalia.

The objective of the interview is to gain an understanding of data mining. We live in the age of massive data production. If you think about it – practically every gadget or service we are using creates a lot of information. Data Mining can be used in many different sectors of business to both predict and discover trends. It is a proactive solution for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge. In the past, we were only able to analyze what a company’s customers or clients had done, but now, with the help of Data Mining, we can predict what customers will do.

Data mining is any activity that involves gathering data in one place in some structure. For example, putting together an Excel Spreadsheet or summarizing the main points of some text. Data mining is all about processing data and extracting valuable and relevant insights out of it.

Data mining can help spot sales trends, develop smarter marketing campaigns, and accurately predict customer loyalty.

Data mining is applied in various industries from telecom and retail solutions to marketing, manufacturing, and health care. Standard applications include customer profiling, customer purchasing patterns, fraud detection, churn management, and credit scoring.

Barriers to data mining in Somalia

1. Despite these examples, data mining has not entered the corporate mainstream in Somalia. Data mining as a part of business intelligence is not known in Somalia. What are the reasons for this and what are the barriers to data mining in Somalia?

Thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts on Data Mining and Business Intelligence with the Somali ICT community. Well, where to start? I have not been to Somalia lately and to be honest, I do not follow what is going there very closely, so my comments might be very general and more global than local.

Corporate mainstream in Somalia? This is a very interesting phrase, and will not dwell on it. However, for those who are interested in corporations… here is a video I would recommend: The Corporation – Documentary – YouTube. I do not think we have a corporate culture in the Somali business environment.

Technological business solutions, in general, are not used in Somalia to advance businesses or even to manage them,  for a variety of reasons. I could mention the education level of our business people is a major reason for this. Historically our business people were traders, they were and are still good at trading; buying and selling a commodity, stuff such as goods for home use, foodstuff, etc. We do not have corporate culture as such. This is not a deliberate negative comment regarding our business people. But rather an honest observation. We moved from selling animals and crops, etc. among ourselves to traveling into the Arabian Gulf; exporting goats and importing clothes and shoes, etc. So this is the reality of our business foundation.

In a nutshell, the business model was: From that basic trade to a few Yemeni shopkeepers in Hamarweyne importing the same basic stuff and the Somali shopkeepers buying them and reselling them in other parts of the country. This has been the case until the collapse of the government, 1990.

After the collapse of the Somali government, a new kind of entrepreneur modified the old business model into a slightly more complicated method, taking advantage of the absence of rule of law and government taxes, etc. In this era, some technological solutions appeared, but in a chaotic way that seems to exist up to today.

With that brief(est) overview, let me share my views on  Business Intelligence.

In Somalia, there was no immediate need or requirement for Business intelligence (BI)

as a data-driven  Decision Support System (DSS) that combines data gathering, data storage, and knowledge management with analysis to provide input to the decision-making processes of businesses. Why? because the level of education was not there, nor was there an immediate need for this. The market system in Somalia is very distorted. It is what some call the ‘sellers’ market, in Somalia, there is more demand for goods than supply, therefore, there is no urgent requirement or serious competition to force business people to find ways to capture a bigger segment of the market, lower prices, etc.

So this might be the reason for the lack of interest in BI in Somalia. Why bother to invest in a technical solution if your business horizon is limited or have not to grow big or expand your business? The ambition is not there. However, that does not mean this will not change in the near future as more and more Somalis from the diaspora move back home to do business.

The term  BI originated decades ago, before that many of its characteristics were part of what the then IT industry used to call the executive information systems. To be fair to our business people in Somalia, Business intelligence really emphasizes analysis of large volumes of data about the business entities and their operations, which require an investment in IT infrastructure. This might not exist in the Somalia of today. Business intelligence uses a large database, typically stored in a data warehouse or data mart, as its source of information and as the basis for sophisticated analysis. This might not exist at the moment, but that does not mean our business people should not start developing this. For example, they can start with analyzing ranges from simple reporting to slice-and-dice, drill down, answering ad hoc queries, real-time analysis, and forecasting.

There are entry-level solutions available in the market suitable for Somali businesses. They should contact IT solution vendors, or engage the Somali tech community in the diaspora to acquire or develop analysis tools, starting with basic but most useful dashboards. From here they might like to acquire or get it developed for them, BI modules which include business performance measurement (BPM), business activity monitoring (BAM), and later on expand this from being a staff tool to being used by people throughout the organization (BI for the masses) making BI techniques and findings embedded into business processes.

Data Mining is a very specialized field within the ICT sector. It is the discovery of interesting, unexpected, or valuable structures in large datasets. However, to do data mining the businesses must first have a large amount of data to work on, i.e. mine, analyze, investigate, etc. It is the process of analyzing massive volumes of data to discover BI that helps companies solve problems, mitigate risks, and seize new opportunities. This branch of data science derives its name from the similarities between searching for valuable information in a large database and mining a mountain for ore. Both processes require sifting through tremendous amounts of material to find hidden value.

It is an interesting field as many know solutions work on well-established models and in some cases outcomes can be anticipated. What makes data mining interesting is its discovery journey, it is looking for links and associations that are not necessarily obvious to decision-makers, analysts, and sometimes even for highly technical people. There are many well-known techniques used and it is a fast-expanding field which takes advantage of the increased computing power, graphical and visualization platforms.

So what are the barriers? In Somalia, as I have said many times in the past, our major challenge was and still remains to be a lack of education. Period. Enhancing the quality of education in Somalia is the first important and urgent step necessary not only to expand business opportunities but also to build functioning government institutions.

2. Data mining success may be hampered by both technical and non-technical barriers. The success of data mining projects depends as much on business knowledge as on technological knowledge. Knowing your target audience is at the center of any business operation. Data mining brings customer segmentation to a completely new level of accuracy and efficiency. What should be the basic knowledge to get into data mining for Somali businesses?

Basic education in IT, I mean the bits and bytes level is a good start. This is step one. The ICT industry is fast-moving and it is always accelerating towards introducing more sophisticated systems, and yet at affordable prices ins some sectors.  Many in Somalia use the latest smartphones, Ipads, or other basic home or office PCs. However, there are many levels of using any technical gadget or software. BI and Data mining are more sophisticated tools that require a higher level of understanding, not just the use of computers but a lot more than that.  Basic knowledge might be understanding the value of data and collecting, manipulating, and understanding what the data is telling you. They say data is the new oil…and I believe so. Knowing the value of data and the need to acquire it carefully and appreciating its value is a prerequisite in using Data Mining applications.

Some points for successful delivery

3. In general, we have seen data is of poor quality and used minimally if at all in Somalia. To resolve the problems of poor data quality Data mining requires skills not typically found in IT departments and data warehouses. You need the skills of a machine learning expert, a data scientist, and a business analyst to frame the problem in a way that makes sense. For this reason, cross-functional teams should interact closely with the business units to carry out data mining. Do you have other points for successful delivery?

There are a lot of useful terminologies here… poor data quality? As I have said earlier, it is important to capture the data that is required for the business one is engaged in, not just any data. You can only work with whatever data you have captured, you can’t make it up. So data quality is very important. So how do we ensure capturing good data? The answer is identifying the issue we are dealing with, ‘the what’ part of the problem and then solving ‘the why?’ part… this might sound or look so obvious- BUT a lot of projects as they say fail at the beginning not at the completion phase. What are we looking for and why? What data do we need to find a solution for what problem? 

This is all very easy to say or write, BUT universities existed for thousands of years and are busy today solving some of the basic and (not so basic anymore) problems that humanity faced since time immemorial… we are getting there, and all these new skills Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and what keeps data scientist and business analyst busy are all part of the big picture problems we are trying to solve.

Data mining can answer business questions that traditionally were too time-consuming to resolve manually. We used to rely on using a range of statistical techniques to analyze data in different ways, users can identify patterns, trends, and relationships they might otherwise miss. They can apply these findings to predict what is likely to happen in the future and take action to influence business outcomes.

It is fair to say that we have come a long way in the use of ICT solutions. Businesses are now harnessing data mining and machine learning to improve everything from their sales processes to interpreting financials for investment purposes. As a result, data scientists have become vital to organizations all over the world as companies seek to achieve bigger goals with data science than ever before.

Direct improvements resulting from data mining implementation

4. A Direct improvement resulting from data mining implementation is improved sales leads, higher growth, and increased turnover in certain business areas. Is this true for Somalia?

This is true in many developed countries. However, this is not necessarily true in Somalia at this stage. However, there is no reason we should not change soon. Evidence from elsewhere around the world has shown Data mining and Artificial Intelligence have led to improved sales, more efficient processes, and other positive outcomes in different sectors of the market.

When used correctly, data mining can provide a profound advantage over competitors by enabling you to learn more about customers, develop effective marketing strategies, increase revenue, and decrease costs.

We must keep in mind that Data mining isn’t a new invention that came with the digital age. The concept has been around for over a century but came into greater public focus in the 1930s. Therefore new tools, techniques, and methodologies may appear soon, quantum computing is just one field I will mention to get our schools and universities to get excited about… 

5. Can you give examples of Specific strategies resulting from data mining outputs?

There are a lot of case studies from around the world and any university student can find the necessary literature on this topic. However, I would like to mention that it is not only for trade and business reasons only, but Data mining can also be used for security and other projects that deal with fighting crime such as anti-money laundering and terrorism funding.

6. Can you give Somali businesses Practical recommendations in gaining experience with data mining?

First collect data, a lot of data. But make sure you inform people what data you are collecting and for what purpose. It is important and the right thing to do to get the consent of the people whose data is collected. Secure it, clean it, then buy or develop the necessary tools to study or mine the data. One must also be careful and must have other ways of checking and verifying the outcomes of data mining exercises.

Data mining was used to monitor actual or potential terrorists in Somalia which attracted media attention. The problem is that the media is more inclined to demonize any technology they don’t understand rather than try to explain.

Those who studied math, statistics, or business in college know the power of data mining because it has become a very popular business tool. In Somalia, for example, Data Mining’s predictive analysis capabilities were used what was called PARS (Piracy Attack Risk Surface), a statistical model of pirate behavior as modified by weather, shipping traffic patterns, and whatever inexplicable things the pirates have been doing lately. This showed the anti-piracy task force which areas to watch most carefully and warned merchant ships what areas they should be most alert in. As a result, pirate attacks dropped from a peak of 181 in 2009 to almost zero recently.  

7. Exploiting new ICT technologies the exchange of information and knowledge serves as the basis for economic growth, employment, and the creation of wealth. The Information Society is also playing an increasingly significant role in promoting sustainable development and a healthy environment. As a former Minister of Post and Telecommunication, what advice do you have for the ICT revolution in Somalia?

Here is a speech I gave many years ago, and I feel this has stood the test of time. .

As large-scale data processing technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence become more readily accessible, it is now possible to dig through terabytes of data in minutes or hours, rather than days or weeks, helping them innovate and grow faster. Therefore, my advice is to encourage Somali business people to invest seriously in robust IT infrastructure, providing reliable technical education, and upskilling the government employees. This will advance the ICT revolution in Somalia and lead to a better-performing economy and properly functioning government institutions.

Also READ: Make the Internet Your AI University

Fasoft AI Research and Technology Company

Fasoft AI Research and Technology Company

Shirkada artificial intelligence (AI) Fasoft wa shirkad casri ah oo ku dhiirrigelisa wacyiga AI iyo technologyga AI Somalia.

ujeedada Fasoft

Wa maxay Artificial Intelligence

Mawjadda isbeddelka tiknoolajiga dhijitaalka ah ayaa dib u qaabaynaysa dhammaan warshadaha. AI waa mid ka mid ah tiirarka aasaaska u ah kobcinta tiknoolajiyada warshadaha. Teknolojiyadaha arrintan xoojinaya – sida IoT, 5G, cloud computing, big data analytics, smart sensors, augmented reality, 3D printing and robotics – waxay u badan tahay inay wax ka beddelaan soo saarka hal nidaam internet oo farsamada dhijitaalka ah, internetka iyo wax soo saarku yihiin kuwo isku milmay oo hal ah.

Hoos waxaan ku sharaxeynaa qaar ka mid ah tiknoolajiyaddan.

Internet of things (IOT)

Isku xirka iyo is-dhaafsiga xogta aaladaha iyo nidaamyada kale ee internetka waxa la dhaha internet of things (IOT).

Cloud computing

Tiknoolajiyada isticmaasha internetka kaydinta iyo maaraynta(manages) xogta server-yada. Mid ka mid ah tusaalooyinka noocan ah waa Google Cloud – Waa qayb ka mid ah adeegyada daruuraha dadweynaha ee ay bixiso Google.

Big data analytics

Habka loo baarayo noocyada xogta ee ballaaran oo ay ku jiraan noocyo kala duwan oo xog ah – si loo ogaado informationka qarsoon, isbeddellada suuqa, dookha macaamiisha, iyo macluumaad kale oo faa’iido uu leh shirkadaha.

Smart Sensors

Smart sensor waa aalad qaadata talooyinka ka imanaya external devices(qalab technology) una adeegsata si ay u fuliso hawlo horay loo sii cayimay(specified). Smart sensor wuxu ku sheega isbeddelada ka dhaca deegaanka loona diro macluumaadka elektaroonigga kale.

Smart Farming

Halke AI loo isticmaala?

Tirada ugu badan ee shatiyada la xiriirta AI waxay ku saabsan yihiin  dhinacyada isgaarsiinta, sayniska nolosha, caafimaadka, gaadiidka, iyo aalado shaqsiyeed oo xisaabiya isdhexgalka aadanaha iyo kombiyuutarka.

Mustaqbalka AI

Daraasadaha (Research) intooda badani waxay saadaalinayaan in AI ay saameyn dhaqaale oo weyn yeelan doonto oo maanta xitaa la arko oo aduunka inta badan isticmalaan.

AI waxay ku wadi doontaa kobaca seddex siyaabood oo muhiim ah. Marka hore, waxay u horseedi doontaa koror xoog leh ee wax soosaarka shaqaalaha (illaa 40%) sababo la xiriira teknoolojiyad casri ah oo awood u siineysa maareynta waqtiga la xiriirta shaqaalaha ee la taaban karo.

Labaad, AI waxay abuuri doontaa shaqaale cusub oo bedelaya dadka hawshana ay qabanayaan makiinado caqli badan – oo lagu sharaxay inay yihiin wax soosaarka iswada ee warbixinta – awood u leh xalinta dhibaatooyinka iyo is-barashada.

Sadaxaad, Dhaqaalaha ayaa sidoo kale ka faa’iideysan doona faafinta hal-abuurka, taas oo saameyn doonta qeybaha kala duwan isla markaana abuuri doonta ilo dakhli oo cusub. 

Ujeedada Fasoft

Artificial intelligence muhiimadiisu waxee tahay in shaqooyinka computer qabto lahormariyo lagana dhigo mid fahmi kara oo lajaan qaadi kara qofka bini aadamka ah.

Hadaa Fasoft nahnay waxaan isweydiinay, sidee Soomaaliya ay uga bilaabi kartaa ka qeyb galka ku shaqeenta iyo isticmaalka AI? Waxa ugu horeeyo in dalka laga hirgaliyo Machadyo lagu barto cilmiga AI (AI Schools) iyo wacyi galin shirkadaha Somalia. Kadib laga fikiro techology cusub ee isticmaali karaan shirkadaha.

Horumarinta AI Somalia

Waxaan aaminsanahay in maalgelinta cilmi baarista iyo horumarinta AI wax muhiim tahay oo loo baahanyahay. Aduunka kale fahmeen ee hada naga hormarsanyihiin.

Sida aan ku gaari karna ku guuleysiga adeegsiga waxa waaye:

  • Tababarka AI
  • Isticmaalka xogta (data)
  • Digital infrastructure (data centers)

Sidoo kale akhri: Dhisida bulshada AI Soomaaliya

Tijaabi aqoontaada AI

Laga soo bilaabo 2009, Koodbixiyayaashu waxay abuureen kumanaan tijaabooyin la yaab leh iyaga oo adeegsanaya Chrome, Android, AI, Web VR, AR iyo in ka badan.

Waxaan halkaan ku soo bandhigeynay mashaariic, oo wehelinayo qalab waxtar leh, si aan ugu dhiirrigelino dhalinyarada Somaliyeed inay abuuraan tijaabooyin cusub iyo ee fahman wixi Artificial Intelligence la dhaho.

Waa kuwaan tijaabooyinka la soo aruuriyay aad isku dayi kartid. Koodhin malo baahno. Ku Baashaal!

Look to Speak

App- Android-ka ah ee dadka u suurta geliya inay indhahooda u adeegsadaan xulashada ereyaal horay loo qoray oo kor uu hadlaayo.

Halkaan ka tijaabi

Digital Wellbeing Experiments

Soo bandhig fikrado iyo qalab ka caawiya dadka inay helaan isku dheelitirnaan fiican tiknoolajiyadda ee maalin kasto isticmalaan.

Halkaan ka tijaabi

AI Experiments

Tijaabooyinka AI waa bandhig loogu talagalay tijaabooyin fudud ee u fududeynaya qof walba inuu bilaabo sahaminta barashada mashiinka, iyada oo loo marayo sawirro, luqad, iyo inbadan.

Halkaan ka tijaabi

Casharadaan oo kale ma ka qeyb gali leheed? Comment ka dhib..!

Source: Google

Make the Internet Your AI University

Make the Internet Your AI University

Make the Internet Your AI University and Be a Changemaker

Munira left Somalia because of violence but rather than losing her hope she has a big vision.

In one event, an electronics shop close to her university was completely destroyed a few minutes after she left her laptop for repairment.

This of one of many events that did not stop Munira from following her vision to improve her skills, empower other women in STEM, and use technologies such as Machine Learning to solve problems in her country and beyond.

I want to solve community problems like droughts and also improve many industries in my country using Deep Learning and Computer Vision in the near future.

Munira works among 40 other Collaborators in our AI for Good challenge with the UN Refugee Agency to predict forced displacement and climate change in Somalia. Read on your own what extraordinary mindset she has.

Munira, what is your background?

I am a Somali girl from Mogadishu living in Nairobi. I have completed my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Application from one of Somalia’s top universities in Technology in September 2017. In March 2018, I landed an internship as a software developer where I realized what I knew was only basic coding.

But before I could properly learn the skills required for a software developer, my family decided to move to Nairobi.

Why are you interested in AI and Data Science?

As Andrew Ng says, “AI is the new electricity”.

One of the things I want to do with AI is to use its power and make deaf people feel they are not disabled. I want them to communicate with their friends and families through video calls freely. The camera will be tracking the sign languages and translate it.

And hailing from Somalia, a country which is so behind from the world when it comes to Artificial Intelligence gives me the courage to pursue even more.

What is the most important life lesson that you’ve learned?

I lived in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, where most of the bombings happen and if it was not for the violent conflicts I think I would have never left home. When you see how my fellow Somalis are living their lives to the fullest, you will think that there is peace in Somalia.

The most important lesson I have learned is that there is always a grand plan in the background happening beyond our sight even though the process might be hard or painful. I had been unemployed for the past year leaving my dream job back at home but I am so so grateful for this year of experience.
Not only have I found what I really want to do in life ,I have also made the internet my university and took full advantage of the jobless year to learn the most needed skills in 2019.

What is your vision for the next couple of years?

Make my way to big tech companies like Google and Facebook to gain some experience. I am also so passionate about getting more girls and women into tech. I wanna teach moms how to code while they are at home at looking after their families and create a space where we women in STEM are inspired and say to each other “I have been there and I am here to help you”. I also wanna keep writing and share the little knowledge I have through blogging.

If you could share one thing with individuals who are in a similar situation then you were in Somalia, what would you tell them?

You don’t have to go to universities abroad to pursue your dreams, everything now is on the internet. The best universities are now offering their courses online on websites like Edx and Coursera.
Just because your country is behind when it comes to some the technologies like AI does not mean you too should be behind.

Source: Michael Burkhardt

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